Violin Pickups for Electric Violin
and Acoustic Violin
Barbera Ultra High Performance pickups
with separate sensors for each string.
BTS pickups empower a violin to be able play in virtually any musical situation at
any volume from a whisper to a roar.

4,5,6 & 7 string model multi transducer bridges for electric violin
and acoustic electric violin. Available with mono or polyphonic output.
Barbera Transducer Systems introduced the first
passive multi transducer bridge, with a pickup for each string, to the
electric violin market in 1986.
Since then, Barbera pickups have become a respected
standard in the electric violin field, and are used on numerous fine custom
electric violins on the market today. Among them: Wood
Electric Violins, Jordan
Electric Violins, Jensen
Electric Violins, Vector
Electric Violins
EVL Violins, Stratton Electric Violins.
(Making an electric violin? click
here for some helpful tips)
Transducer Systems violin pickups are known for
their tonal richness, clarity of sound, responsiveness and
focused power. BTS pickups are unique and provide unequaled clarity, balance and power for amplified violin. They feature all maple construction with
separate, dual piezo element transducers for each string.
The transducers are resonantly responsive to horizontal
string vibrations and general instrument tonalities. BTS
violin transducer bridges are passive and produce a high
gain, high fidelity audio signal without reliance on a pre-amp
or other electronics for operation.
The extremely efficient electro-acoustic properties of
these pickups provides a high quality baseline of tone and responsiveness,
on a broad range of instrument designs. They are very effective on all instrument types,
from a minimal stick body, to a semi-hollow body, to a resonant acoustic
BTS Multi-Transducer Bridges are not mass produced.
In the process of their being crafted, each bridge receives considerable,
individual attention. The performance characteristics of each bridge are
carefully brought out and optimized through a voicing process which is
similar in some respects to the way a luthier develops an acoustic musical
instruments voice.
We make BTS pickups directly to order for musicians worldwide.Contact us to directly to have one made for you and experience the unequaled power and clarity of sound a BTS Pickup brings to your music making.
electric violin pickups are available in various models for electric violins,
and in kit form for the conversion of acoustic violins into high performance,
pro level acoustic electric violins. A BTS bridge will transform any electric
violin or acoustic violin into a high performance, professional
sounding amplified instrument. We have helped many customers upgrade and
totally transform their commercial grade electric violins (ie. Fender
electric violins, Yamaha electric violins, Zeta electric violins (replacements for Jazz or Strados model bridges).
Model Electric Violin Pickups
are a solid style maple bridge, (without traditional heart and wing cutouts)
with separate, dual piezo transducer elements for each string. They provide
a focused, full sound which is rich, clear and textural.
Solid Model
bridges are good for solid body electric violins where a darker, focused
sound is desired. Available in standard height format or new, extra short
format bridge (pictured above right) which can be cut down to an overall
height as low as 3/4 of an inch . This accommodates some instrument designs
where an extemely short bridge is required, as in one piece neck/body
model bridges are available for 4, 5, 6 and even 7 stringed electric violins;
5 string violin with low C, 6 string violin with low C and a low
F and 7 stringed electric violins with low C, F, and B flat. Solid Model
Bridges are also available wired for polyphonic operation with
access to each strings separate output. Solid Model Bridges are available
with one dual element transducer per string (Standard Solid Model) or
two, dual element transducers per string (Solid Twin Model)
Model Violin Pickups
Hybrid Model Bridges integrate one dual piezo transducer
element for each string into a bridge structure with the heart and wing
cutouts of a traditional style bridge. The heart and wing structure allows
for the natural mechanical motions of a traditional viol bridge to occur.
These bridge motions facilitate a wider overtone spectrum and an open
sounding low end. This combination of bridge structure and our integrated,
multi transducer system yields a rich, open and full range sound quality.
Available in 4, and 5 string models. Hybrid
models are suitable for use on all styles of instruments from acoustic
to solid body.
HYBRID Model Violin Pickups
With two dual element transducers per string the Twin
Hybrid Model Bridge is our flagship model multi transducer bridge. Twin
Hybrid Bridges sense a stereoscopic image of each strings vibrational
dynamic output. ( our own eyes and ears sense stereoscopically). By sensing
each strings vibrational information from two different points and then
combining the signals, a more complete, detailed image is formed. The
two dual element transducers per string provide an extra degree of refined
tonal warmth and clarity, smoothness of sound and balance of output from
low to high registers. They provide a nicely focused low end on the G
- C strings (or even F and B flat on 6 and 7 string models) which is well
balanced with even the highest registers on the E string. This design
is state of the art. They are available for 4, 5,and 6 string violins. Twin Hybrid models are suitable for
use on all styles of instruments from acoustic to solid body.
Hybrid 4-String bridge
with interchangeable self-adjusting Feet
All the above models are available with carveable feet or
interchangeable self adjusting feet in a range of heights.
Interchangeable feet models allow for quick, easy setup
without carving. They also offer the added flexibility of
allowing the bridges to be easily transferred to other instruments.
Electric violin models are also optionally available wired
polyphonic for access to each strings output separately.
When bridges are to be mounted on an
acoustic violin, a 1/4" output jack is provided (utilizing
a standard guitar cord). This mounts the output jack on
the lower left bout of the violin (next to the chin rest)
with chin rest clamp hardware.
Volume/Tone Control in a the Tailpiece
and set of 5 pairs of interchangable feet in a range of heights. This is our most popular package for acoustic violin. The miniature
volume pot is mounted within the tailpiece from underneath, with a small
knob extending up just behind the fine tuners. An onboard volume control
is very useful because it also functions as an on board tone control.
As the gain is rolled back the tone gets darker. This provides a high
degree of tonal headroom and a lot more flexibility in terms of which
amplifiers may be used effectively.
The entire kit installs in minutes on any violin and instantly transforms a violin into an incredibly powerful acoustic electric violin that will project a deep, rich and clear sound and in any amplified music situation . Please go to our prices page for ordering information Please go to our prices page for ordering information

Violin Kit
This kit transforms any 4 or 5 string violin into a cello-like
sounding instrument which speaks one octave below a normal
violin. The kit consists of a specially prepared multi transducer
bridge which is voiced specifically for Octave applications,
and a set of Super Sensitive octave violin strings developed
by Rich Barbera and John Cavanaugh of Super Sensitive Strings
Co.. Octave strings are thicker gauge strings, which sound
one octave below a normal violin when tuned to pitch.
An octave violin, coupled with a Barbera bridge is
a great tool for the improvising electric violinist. It provides an incredibly
deep, rich textured and powerful electric cello voice, which also speaks
in the guitar and tenor sax registers. It's a great voice for jazz and
Additional Article: More
information on BTS Acoustic/Electric Violin Pickups